Mans Best Friend !

Why is it so hard for us to under stand Gods love and how much it would improve our relationships ? This is a picture where a boy and his hound is on the same page and it starts with Gods love in the little guy and his heart and he shares it with his hound ? But at the same time his hound connects with his little masters heart ! Look at the expression on his hounds face ? God created dog to be a companion with man and the love and respect they have for one another is definitly in Gods plans for us ! The joy that is created between man and dog can certainly be created between man and his brethern in everyday life if everyone made a little effort to try to find the only ” free thing ” that is left in this world and that is Gods free Grace ?  [ KC you just got to find little KC a hound ? ] Blessings to all and have a blessed Sunday !     Ron.cid_002401c7754818769c30730311acyour588b4a13ea.jpg

18 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    kc said,

    That is one cute pic and pooch! Bro. Ron we have him one that can’t wait to chase balls in the backyard with him. 😉

  2. 2

    Corry said,

    And she looks like the hound in the pic except she has short ears! 🙂
    You can see her here if you like.

    A very blessed weekend!

    God’s Grace.

  3. 3

    rrbj said,

    KC and Corry I had to post this because to me its got Gods love all over it ? Blessings. Ron.

  4. 4

    Terry said,

    Oh Ron…This is SO nice…I will have to come back tomorrow and look at is some more as it is after 3 in the morning and I better get to bed..
    Juast popped by to wish you a blessed Sunday….Love Terry

  5. 5

    dana said,

    that is the greatest!!!!!!

  6. 6

    amycloud said,

    Great picture, Ron. I love it. I enjoyed your thoughts as well.

  7. 7

    rrbj said,

    Thanks for dropping by Terry and wishing you and bernie a blessed week ! Dana little kids are a blessing to me ! Amy I always enjoy your writing too! B

  8. 8

    gordoncloud said,

    That’s a great picture, Bro. Ron. Do you reckon that dog knows what he’s doing?

  9. 9

    rrbj said,

    Bro. Gordon, anything is possible but I would rather believe that he is wishing for a bigger bone ? Blessings. Ron.

  10. 10

    Tony Sisk said,

    Bro. Ron,

    I have used that pic before on my blog. We must think a little bit alike, huh? Uh oh!

    Great post…but do you think that hound has a better handle on prayer than we sometimes do???

  11. 11

    jacr02 said,

    well i can understand that pic, daddy u know i have a dog that says the blessing with me before we eat that is a cute picture

  12. 12

    rrbj said,

    Bro. Tony I would say that we both are full of brotherly love as commanded by our Master ! You know I’ve often thought about animals reactions ? Brett Biscuit is a one of a kind and it is amazing to see her say blessing ! Blessings Daddy .

  13. 13

    Beverly said,

    I love that photo. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m here with Ella, and she is wnderful.

  14. 14

    Terry said,

    Dear Ron…Can you see why I love my blogging friends so much?
    So many have dropped into my blog and said that they will be praying for my dad and I am so grateful for that.
    It has really touched my heart and I want to thank you Ron..
    I am truly blessed that I ever found you on Jel’s site!!…
    How loviing of the Lord to save your dad in the little time that he had left!
    That grandchild reminds of the little maid in the Bible who spoke to her master, Naaman about where he could be cured of his leprosy!………Love Terry

  15. 15

    rrbj said,

    Thanks for dropping by Terry, and I know that the Lord blesses those who are faithful! Blessings . Ron.

  16. 16

    rrbj said,

    Hello Beverly glad you can enjoy Ella and don’t waste one minute of your time with her ? Blessings. Ron.

  17. 17

    Terry said,

    Ha! Dumb me! I fiinally noticed on your last posting that you were driving a THREE wheeler Ron!
    I haven’t been much on the copmputer today because I have been kind of house cleaning.
    It is a a disater every time I decide to do that though because, I get looking at old pictures and just waste a whole lot of time going through them.
    I uncovered a bunch of our hoiday pictures, [when Bernie and I went out west via motor-cycle. I will have to make a blog post of them.
    I am a few postings behind but maybe I will have time tomorrow.
    Right now I want to put Susan Walker’s new kitty on a quick posting.
    Catch you later Ron!!..from Terry

  18. 18

    rrbj said,

    Terry since I fired myself from doing my housework I have more time for computer and being outside where I’d rather be ? Yes I’m driving a three wheeler and I had to borrow my neighbors wife so I could go downtown and do shopping ? Blessings. Ron.

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